Hello World


Welcome to BIM GYM!

It is with great excitement and pride that we launch the BIM GYM project for all of us working on projects within the construction industry.

For more than a decade, what we know as Building Information Modeling (BIM) has evolved, and although we now have more digital solutions to improve the development of our projects, the way to understand how to use these tools has become more complex.

BIM is a very broad term that encompasses almost every process in a project, just like CAD. A term that is not very precise, but nevertheless implies a lot. The scope of digital tools and processes varies greatly depending on the phase of the project and the tasks of the professional. That is why BIM GYM begins by providing a digital space for constant updating so that any professional can learn about using tools, programs, and processes to improve their work.

Our team comprises professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the field of BIM: Project Modeling, Project Coordination, and BIM Library Creation.

We hope that this is the beginning of a long road; that BIM will join CAD and make way for a new term that encompasses the improvement of building design, management, and construction.

We are here to improve the way we work. Any ideas or comments are welcome.


Cristóbal Bernal

BIM GYM Director

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